Elastomer Use in Sustainable Energy Generation
Elastomer Use in Sustainable Energy Generation
Rubber Heart is proud social media sponsor of the IoM3 Rubber in Engineering Group.
This online technical meeting held on Friday 19th March 2021 organised by the Rubber in Engineering Group (RIEG) of IoM3 examined the use of elastomers when used in sustainable energy generation.
13:30 (UK time) Introduction – Prof James Busfield, QMUL, UK
- Research on Geothermal Energy – Why do we need it? How do we get it?
Dr Ashley Johnson, Schlumberger, UK
johnson2@slb.com - Elastomeric materials for energy and harvesting applications
Professor Christopher Bowen, University of Bath, UK
msscrb@bath.ac.uk - Inflatable elastomer membrane structures for wave energy devices
Tom Mackay, Tension Technology International Ltd, UK
mackay@tensiontech.com - Walkersele X-Gen: Seal Developments for Offshore Wind Energy
Shing Hon Wong, James Walker & Co, UK
shing.hon.wong@jameswalker.biz - Commercial Rubber-based Triobelectric Generators for Environmentally Viable Energy Harvesting Applications
Injamamul Arief, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Germany
16:00 (UK time) – Event Close
Visit the RIEG website here: IOM3 | Elastomer Use in Sustainable Energy Generation