Elastomers in Sustainable Fashion

18 Dec 2023

Elastomers in Sustainable Fashion

Rubber Heart is proud social media sponsor of the IoM3 Elastomer Group.

This IOM3 Elastomer Group Afternoon Technical Discussion Meeting (ATDM) held on Friday 15th December 2023 focussed on the use of elastomers and elastomeric-like materials in sustainable fashion and illustrate the different approaches to using elastomers in the industry.

The 3 take-aways benefits for participants who attended this event:

  1. The importance of elastomer materials to the global fashion industry.
  2. Understand how the use of elastomer materials in the fashion industry can be made more circular.
  3. Explore the future of more sustainably sourced materials can be used in the fashion industry.


13:30 (UK time) Chair – Professor James Busfield, Head of the Soft Matter Group in the Department of Materials, Queen Mary University of London

Understanding the Sustainability Challenges in the Shoe/Trainer Industry – María José Munguía-Romero, PhD Student, Soft Matter Group, School of Engineering and Material Science, Queen Mary University of London

Edward TJ Mitchell: Transforming beer protein into a leather alternative – entrepreneurship & biomaterial innovation – Edward TJ Mitchell, Co-Founder & CTO, Arda Biomaterials

Luxury accessories made from decommissioned fire-hose – Kresse Wesling CBE, Founder, Elvis & Kresse

16:30 (UK time) – Event Close

This event is brought to you with thanks to the IOM3 Elastomer Group Sponsors. 

Visit the IOM3 Elastomer Group website here: IOM3 | Elastomer Group

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